IDBI Syllabus 2022 and for Assistant Manager & Executive Posts

IDBI Assistant Manager and Executive Syllabus 2022

The candidates who are preparing for IDBI Bank Recruitment 2022 must go through the detailed exam pattern and syllabus to score good marks in the online exam. In this article, we have covered exam patterns and the syllabus for both posts. The syllabus is an important part when preparing for any examination to score good marks and qualify for the selection process. The candidates for Assistant Manager will be selected through an online test and interview round. However, the selection process for Executive comprised of online tests only.  

IDBI Assistant Manager Syllabus 2022

IDBI Assistant Manager Syllabus 2022: The Industrial Development Bank of India has published the notification for the recruitment of 500 Assistant Manager posts providing a very wonderful opportunity for young aspirants to become an Assistant Manager. The first and foremost step for beginning with the preparation is to understand the IDBI Assistant Manager Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the proper and strategic preparation. In this article, we have discussed the detailed IDBI Assistant Manager Exam Pattern and Syllabus as notified by the commission.

IDBI Assistant Manager Syllabus 2022 – Overview

IDBI will conduct the exam through the online mode for shortlisting the candidates for various vacancies released. Have a look at the IDBI Assistant Manager Syllabus 2022 details as summed up in the below table.

Exam Conducting BodyIndustrial Development Bank of India
Exam NameIDBI Assistant Manager 2022
Mode of ExamOnline
Type of QuestionsObjective Type
Marking Scheme1 marks
Negative Marking0.25 mark
No. of Questions200
Selection ProcessOnline Exam & Personal Interview
Official website

IDBI Assistant Manager Exam Pattern 2022

The online examination for IDBI Assistant Manager Recruitment 2022 will be comprised of 4 sections with 200 multiple-choice questions. The duration of the test is 160 minutes (2 hours). There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer. The detailed exam pattern has been tabulated below:

SNo.SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
1Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Interpretation6060
2English Language4040
3Quantitative Aptitude 4040
4General/Economy/Banking Awareness/ Computer/IT6060
Time will be 120 minutes

IDBI Syllabus 2022 for Reasoning Ability

Verbal Reasoning 

  1. Classification
  2. Operations of Mathematics
  3. Venn Diagram
  4. Word Sequence
  5. Missing Characters
  6. Sequential Output Training
  7. Directions
  8. Test on Alphabets
  9. Eligibility Test
  10. Data Sufficiency
  11. Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
  12. Puzzle Test
  13. Blood Relations
  14. Coding-Decoding
  15. Analogy
  16. Series Completion
  17. Verification of truth of Statement
  18. Situation Reaction Test
  19. Direction Sense Test
  20. Assertion & Reasoning
  21. Arithmetical Reasoning

Non-Verbal Reasoning 

  1. Construction of Squares & Triangles
  2. Series
  3. Completion of Sentences
  4. Spotting embedded figures
  5. Classification
  6. Rule Detection
  7. Analytical Reasoning
  8. Paper Folding
  9. Paper Cutting
  10. Cubes & Dices
  11. Water Images
  12. Mirror Images
  13. Dot Situation
  14. Identical Figure Groupings
  15. Forming figures and analysis
  16. Figure matrix

IDBI Syllabus 2022 for English Language

  1. Cloze test
  2. Ace Reading Comprehension
  3. Error Spotting
  4. Sentence Improvement
  5. Sentence Correction
  6. Para jumble
  7. Fill in the blanks
  8. Para/Sentence Completion

IDBI Syllabus 2022 for Quantitative Aptitude 

  1. Number series
  2. Data Interpretation
  3. Simplification and approximation
  4. Quadratic Equation
  5. Data Sufficiency
  6. Mensuration
  7. Average
  8. Profit loss & Discount
  9. Ratio and Proportion
  10. Time & Work and Energy
  11. Time and Distance
  12. Probability
  13. Relations
  14. Simple interest & Compound Interest
  15. Permutation & Combination

IDBI Syllabus 2022 for General Awareness/Banking Awareness

  1. Current Affairs
  2. Banking Awareness
  3. GK Updates
  4. Currencies
  5. Important Places
  6. Books and Authors
  7. Awards
  8. Headquarters
  9. Prime Minister Schemes
  10. Important Days

IDBI Bank Assistant Manager Exam Recruitment Important Dates:

  • Online Application Starting Date is 03-06-2022
  • Closing Date of application submission and fee payment online is 17-06-2022
  • IDBI Assistant Manager Written Exam Date 23-07-2022
  • Admit Card available from 01-07-2022

Available Vacancies of Assistant Manager Jobs of IDBI Bank Recruitment 2022:

Total available Assistant Manager vacancies are 500.

Total Available Assistant Manager Vacancies 500 posts
General200 posts
SC Category121 posts
ST Category28 posts
OBC Category101 posts
EWS50 posts

Educational Qualifications Assistant Manager Jobs of IDBI Bank Recruitment

Lower & Upper Age limit as on 01 April 2022 is between 21 years- 28 years. Age relaxation applicable as per Government rules.

Pay Scale for Asst Managers IDBI Recruitment- 2022:

  • Stipend During the Training Period (9 Months) – Rs.2500/- per month.
  • During the Internship Period (3 Months) – Rs.10000/- per month.
  • Assistant Managers in Grade A in the pay scale of  Rs.14400-40900

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